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Art making available for all
01929 475883
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Getting Involved
Everyone at Art Workshop is a volunteer.
Please join our community in one or more of the following ways:
Come to groups
Collect art materials from home and the natural environment. Please contact Suzanne to find out what we currently need.
Donate pre loved art materials.
Volunteer – current vacancies (urgently needed):
group assistants (no art skills needed!)
advertising and routine administration
Sign up to receive our news
Make a regular or one off donation to support our Bursary Scheme
Bursary Scheme
We keep our charges really low, but they are still beyond people totally dependant on Benefits - people who would really benefit from being part of a group. So we hold specially-donated money to subsidise them so they only have to pay £2 per session.
If you recognise the value of what we do and would like to support us, please get in touch and we will send an explanatory leaflet.
If you may be able to help in any way, please contact Suzanne at or leave a message on 01929 475883
© Copyright 2025 Art Workshop Swanage | All Rights Reserved.